Saturday, November 6, 2010

mum strikes again! moo..

so yesterday, i had to help my mom prepare dinner. yes world, the maid has left the building. so anyway. she (my mum) was at the stove. and i was behind her. she exclaimed "no no! don't go to near the fire! you are going to DIE, you know??"
so i was like "umm.. mum, i'm behind you. and i don't think i'll DIE"
she cut me off saying "nonono!! not that way!" and she started to tap on the stove with the lighter.
i asked "mum, what the heck?"
she answered...

"no, i'm not talking to you. i'm talking to the cicak."
note: "cicak" means house lizard... my mum was talking to a house lizard. and she was afraid it would DIE. in the fire. on the stove.
i'm starting to think i'm adopted...
and last night, after tuition class, we reached the dimly lit porch at home. i realized that in the grocery bag next to me, there was a packet of "Olive Oil" something. i was so intrigued. wow, my parents actually bought something healthy, for a change... "wwaaaa!!! Daddy, what's this olive oil doing in the--" i picked it out of the bag...
they were olive oil.. CHIPS! exactly as in the picture.. the plastic bag had covered the "potato chips" part of it.

dad merely frowned and answered,
"you're like the customs check and immigration officer."

and then today, mum and dad went shopping. and they came back with a large metal bucket.. much like this one :i asked "are you going to milk a cow with that?" hahaha she answered..
"no, we're going to milk YOU"

why did i even ask?

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