Sunday, May 31, 2009

decades too late!

this is marcus' bow.. or is it jasmine's?
or emma's?
anyway.. compare it to these:

we like to call them "pro-bows"
so you get "probos" if u say it really fast
sounds wrong, rite?
people "retrieving arrows"
quote unquote
marcus and kenneth are in the crowd somewherethere is ALWAYS
A CONVERSE PICTURE an empty cup of milo
that was free
it came from a very VERY annoying milo truck.
why was the milo truck annoying?
1. people congregate at it with GIANT empty bottles.. so when lodgians try to get a drink,... "nomor"
2. it ALWAYS comes at the least expected times
3. it sure as hell takes its time parking :(
4. it's so "silent" that we don't even know it's here until only AFTER all the milo is gone

stupid milo truck...

here are the guys :)that's marcusand there's Kenneth (the krill) Yap
from form 2D

It was the last day of the competition, and cikgu KENNY LIONG couldn't take us because he had to go with the form5s to (i forgot where)

so.. guess who took us instead :S

we sorta claimed a place under the canopy.. so here's us hanging out thereemma sharing milo with kenneth
yes, we were so desperate for a cold drink
that we filled OUR bottles with milo
heck, we could've BATHED in it
it was SCORCHING HOTmarcus and i
jasmine held the camera
yes, i was injured
note the white elbow guard
tsk tsk tsk..
lovelyn the accident prone lobster

we figured we weren't giving the guys enough of the limelight, so's MARCUS
sir frowns-a-lot

andhere's KENNETH
sir models-for-free

the other competitiors were truly
PRO AS HELLnote: i'm talking about the guy on the right,
not one the left
jk, marcus :)emma and i back from the ladies' room
and it was HELL ON EARTH

smelled funny and all
but that's normal
i guess...

good thing there wasn't period all over the place

i would have DIEDnotice something different about this picture?
and believe me

can you imagine the HUGE sense of relief
that we all felt??
ohhhh yeahhh

then, GOD showed us mercy and sent rain.. it rained so heavily that there was THUNDER and LIGHTNINGand BOY WERE WE HAPPY. so finally, FINALLY after two straight days under the sun, our (well, my) faces burnt, (scalded) it finally rained.. POURED. it was sooo refreshing i was tempted to jump around in the wet and dance like some crazed, red-faced, human lobster hybrid. there has never been a moment that i appreciated storms as much. if you remember one of my first posts, i told you i hated storms... i still do, no doubt -__- but THIS was a perfect time for one..

i couldn't have asked for anything better

and so it rained so heavily for the rest of the day.

so heavily that i couldn't take a picture as everyone was squashed under the two canopies.. the water began to flood and it was like Noah was revisiting us from beyond the grave O.o

the closing ceremony ..
ahh, now that's a story

but as with all good stories

it doesn't come with pictures O.o

mr Ling, our headmaster, graced us with his precence. lol keng english.

emma came in fourth overall and i came in fifth. in school, she mostly gets all the praise. Don't mind me if i sound whiny, but i just get a nod from the teachers, or most times, i'm ignored. wow, thanks for the positive reinforcement -__- i'm not looking for showers of praise, but can you imagine being second-fiddle? even second-fiddle gets noticed. so close, and yet so far Ignore this little bit, i'm just venting.
i'm just feeling a little under-appreciated

but emma has indeed shown great athletism and i am DEFINITELY proud of her. i'm proud of all of us, no matter how good or bad we've done.

there are no losers.

when we all got home,

i took one last picture to remind me of my time here...
i think so

there's another competition in august...
here we go again!!

line art

you must be wondering.. line art? line art is the stuff before photoshop... kinda like a sketch before a painting...

i recently (well, maybe not that recently) got interested in lineart cause i have PHOTOSHOP in my computer (WOOPIE) and so i colour them in :) wow, talk about cheap thrills.

currently, i'm into tattoos. i've done a few, and shall put them up for the world to see. ;p here's one that i might tackle anytime soon.. it is the holidays and i am bored.. so... :)

here's one that i was working on earlier this year... (sorry, i couldn't find the original.. so ignore the shade of purple)

and here's the finished product:

not my proudest piece of work, but it was a product of boredom... i want a tablet so i don't have to steal line art online.. ughhh bloody mouse!

oohhhh i just found the file i keep all my "photoshopped" pictures in:

my very first piece
i picked a cliche and simple piece of line art
definitely NOT my proudest piece...

i'm happy with this piece :)
i tried contrasting for this one... that's why one sparrow is really light
and the other is dark as midnight
i put in on deviantart and some people wanted to get a tattoo of it O.o
i feel guilty somehow for getting people to get tattoos O.o
kuai little church girl hahaha

i have to thank marcus for this next piece.. he's the one who helped me scan my drawing cause my scanner's retarded -____-
it's one of the few pictures i draw and put on the internet
and YES, it IS from Avatar...
sue me
this next piece has a funny story behind it.. if you're wondering
who (or what) that is,
it's my cousin from singapore loll
i went to singapore last year end holiday
without my parents!! :D
we were bored
he was using his desktop
i grabbed his tablet

i'll let you be the judge whether there's a resemblence or not...
note: he's the only one sitting down in this next picture
and i'm sure he'll appreciate me uploading this picture...
of all the other embarassing ones i have in my computer
you see???
photoshop runs in the family :P

* * * *

compare the faces..
not alike?

* * * *

now here's one in colour...
just a little?

truth hurts i guess O.o

so that's it for this post.. my trail and error hobby :S

i'm not much good at photoshop, but i'm getting there

either that, or.. time to get a new hobby O.o

i'll let you be the judge ;)

cheers :)

of hornbill feathers and family matters


hope you're all having a ball this Gawai

and remember...

lay off too much tuak!
spend time with you family

visit your loved ones

and just have fun this holiday


to my dear 3b-ians

our new msn display picture. it's also posted on our class blog. cause more ppl read that than this, duh hahaahah n i don't blame them :D

so you can check it out there, or get it from here, or i could send it to you, or whatever.. if you want it, grab it :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


i was rumaging through some files, and i found all these random clips of us in form 3... ERT girls, prepare for the shock of your life!

there wasn't a lot of footage, so i had to make do with the limited amout i had... maybe i'll try to get all of it from Cikgu Diana and put em all together :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

adam lambert... ???

ooohh... adam lambert...

and here he is in high school... -___-



here's to many more forks in our pockets and all the times we had in 3B with the "3B-ians" and many more good times to come.

once again, happy sweet sixteen!!

sorry, i know i'm kinda late.. cause ure birthday was yesterday and i couldn't go online (and you couldn't too!! lol) anyway, happy birthday





boxer girl

yesterday was photo taking day for clubs and societies in our school. I successfully snuck into 2 photos, but i'd really wanted to be in those clubs. :S

so anyway, for red crecent, we had to put on the "red crecent t-shirt" which is a uniform for all members i guess, so me, being me...

remembered to bring the shirt but

SO, i had to take the bloody photo in BOXERS.... so now, i am known as BOXER GIRL....

and right after red crecent, was leo... so obviously, i had no time to change and i took yet ANOTHER boxer girl photo.. ughh...

i'm in school... it's ICT class... i felt the urge to blog, so i did... i'm gonna get in so much trouble.. but i've finished my work so i'm kinda free.. kinda..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

spread the love

my cousin's friend is selling coloured contacts and other stuff

here's her blog, go check it out :)


for miss BRENDA ONG and.. i guess those who don't already know...

brennie, THIS is a chinchilla

cute aye? :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

midnight shocker

i was chatting with my friend MATTHEW CHIEN and he gave me a link to a video... wanna watch it?

i'm not saving that in my computer

warning: you might be overcome by this sudden wave of "aww, i miss the good times" or... "OMGWTH?!"

american idol hit me like a tidal wave

it's friday night, Physics tuition just ended. it was dead boring as usual... charmaine definitely had a point when she said, "eh, you know, it's kinda stupid to go to tuition on a friday night," ... "brain just dies"


but it's so true!!

so anyway, i'm sipping starbucks cream vanilla, and i turn on the tv, and flip channels, and surprizingly, as i got to 8tv (nobody in this house watches this channel cause we can't really understand chinese lol)guess what's on... now.. at this very second...


ohhhhh yeahhhhhhh..... Adam Lambert......

though, he was seen kissing a guy.. erm... gahhh whatever... he's still a spanking good piece of eye candy. HAH! take that, robert pattinson!

so many brilliant artists performed in the finale...
KISS, Santana, Fergie, The Black Eyed Peas, ROD STE
WART are the ones that made an impact on me. it's still on, and i haven't watched the end of it yet, but..


LOL... simon just said "it sounded like a cat... jumping off the empire state building" hahahahahahahah

and now that "tattiana" girl who won some funny duddy award get herself "thrown off stage" but i'm not sure if it's an act or if it's cause she's psycho... O.o


*excuse me, i have to go swear in a corner to release tension*


indeed, they are the champions... but i wanted adam lambert to win..... STUPID KRIS ALLEN!!!!! HUMBLE FREAK!! lol okay okay, he's good too. i was just joking.

hahahahha kris allen is so short compared to adam. both are cute... hmm...

i feel happy for kris' parents and family.

lollllll kris is so humble about his win. hahahaha

adam lambert.... drools..

okokok a few more pictures and i'm off to enjoy the rest of my friday

i am bummed that adam didn't win, but he's probably the next david archuleta.. though i liked david cook better. i mean... david archuleta didn't win, but he's doing a little better than david cook...ughh so confusing. the last girl standing for this season was kinda good too. *shruggs* oh well....

what goes around comes around, i guess


Saturday, May 16, 2009


today is both relaxed and hectic. what do i mean by that?

well, it IS a sunday and my parents are out so i'm FREE!! lol, okay maybe not the best reason, but still. i've got the entire house to myself. it gets a little boring, so i'm chilaxing. chilaxing while i can because there's school tomorrow and ughh.. lol.. just ughh...

it's kinda hectic cause i have to memorize my bm aural script... UGHHHHH !!!! and it's sooooo frustrating because i'm tackling a complicated topic..... schizophrenia.

i've always thought that schizophrenia is the same as "split personailty" or "dual personality" or multiple personality or whatever but it isn't.. the two are commonly confused. which makes my research work that much harder. and magdalene and bryan and peichen and pretty much the rest of the class will definitely BOMBARD me with strange un-answerable questions. i might as well bring a laptop up. the internet is afterall the best source of info. :)

okay okay, i think i've procrastinated enough.. i messed around with the piano, guitar, organ... watched tv... smsed... msn-ed... better get back to work.. UGH


my com's fixed :D and i got a new laptop. yippie!

shall blog about teachers' day some other time. i've got LOADS of pictures so i'll just make it a picture post. i shall get acquainted with my new babies.. er.. computers.. first.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


still in school,


need a new desktop.. any suggestions? :)

looking for smth cheap and simple. but hardy.

hope i can get it realll soon.

kim's dress shopping on the com next to me. lol, why am i not surprized?! :D
quotes from the kimster:
"rape the maxi dress!"
"skinny bit*h no, skinny models, no.. skinny bi*chy models should DIE, right?"
"i want BOOBIES! hahaah no la"
(but she knows she needs em)
"i dunno how kim kardashian's boobs get so big, u noe"
and now she's talking about assests she doesn't have.
okok, she caught me
"bridget, you just got me into lesbian mode!"
"her boobs are too big to be real!"

Monday, May 11, 2009


i'm actually in school now.

my desktop "exploded".. there was alot of smoke and the room still smells of burnt plastic. my friends are giving their aural presentations and i'm working on my speech. so i thought i'd blog. it won't be a long post, i have no time.

just letting you all know that i'll be unable to blog for awhile cause all my files are in my desktop and i obviously can't use it now -___-


so i'll have to rely on my mom's laptop. here's to hoping i can get a replacement in time!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


forgive the weird size of the fonts.. i can't get that fixed.. i shall learn how next time.. for now, just read and ignore the weird sizes, okay?? XC

day two 29/4/09

so today's the ACTUAL day.. lol. it was a rather GUNDU day. and we've learnt a few things. i'll just take you through the whole day first...

we arrived in school "punctually". the equipment was left in the general office downstairs overnight (safer cause it's locked anyway lol) and i was happy that i didn't have to lug it to school. So my face
hurt and my bruise hadn't healed yet, even with the excrutiating massage i had by the Red Cresent members present at the competition. I'm not sure which school they were from, but they were a friendly and initiative bunch, they didn't make fun of my and my inability to speak fluent BM and they did quite a good job of fixing me :) props to them *applause*

yet again, kelvin was late. yet again, the guys got to ride in cikgu kenny's car. yet again, the girls rode in the sweet-smelling pickup. but coach couldn't make it until later on in the day (much later lol) so i got to ride up front. it was an awkward ride, kelvin didn't talk much. but he's a nice guy. :)

Today is the day we actually
compete and guess what... it's also the day that we compete in our weakest events. the guys are doing NINETY METERS max today, and us girls are doing SEVENTY METERS max. our bows are low tension meaning they don't send arrows flying that far -___-... so, our strategy is to aim much higher, at roughly a forty-five degree angle so our arrows shoot upwards and momentum will bring it downwards and hopefully, they'll reach the target.

the guys didn't bother trying the ninety meters cause.. well.. their arrows can't reach no matter how high they aim LOL. us girls didn't really bother trying the seventy meters, but we did okay in the sixty meters event. emma snagged
fourth place while i came up right behind her with fifth :D jasmine scored a seventh.

i passed my camera to cikgu kenny for him to take shots of us and many other things... lol --->

emma aiming, (lol.. aiming emma)

jasmine aiming

an aiming emma again

and jasmine aiming.. cikgu kenny.. go get a hobby...

the person on the far right of these pictures is a Sarawak archer. she's damn PRO. but she kinda talks funny.. and bimbo.. but she's still pro. yes, she won first... figures.. hahaha
i spy with my little eye, a red lovelyn the lobster. :) (in the middle)

cikgu kenny at school in the morning: lovelyn, why u wearing red? your face is already so red! you'll look like some freak
jasmine: no.. if she wears red, it makes her face look less red.
emma: lol, true true
cikgu kenny: fine..
me: nyheheh! :D

our only source of shelter was a measly canopy... it was set on running tracks, so it was hot even under the shade. boiling hot... we made time pass by quickly by:
1) playing cards
2) being lame
3) sleeping when there's space.. well.. cikgu kenny did that mostly
4) grabbing milo from the milo truck that came occasionally... it has baddd timing...
5) complain about the heat
ughh.. the weather

home sweet home

meet our tent mates... "canopy mates"

oh, and i almost forgot!! here's marcus being marcus :) note: this picture was cropped, zoomed, and stuff.. i'm not some stalker -___-

he wore CONVERSE like i told him to :)

so while waiting for lunch to be delivered, cikgu kenny told us that kelvin would be arriving late and might not be in time to send us our lunches, so we'd have to go out to the shops to get our own lunch. kelvin had a meeting. BOY, WE WERE HAPPY! so we (the girls) hopped into his red tiny car and abandoned the boys to continue with their event *sniggers!*


but of course, i had to capture the moment! it's not everyday you get to ride in a tiny car that belongs to your teacher, many miles away from home, with a bad sunburn, bruise and two crazy friends in the back that need to be fed!

note the two idiotz at the back that were ready for the picture when me, being the gundu photo-taker am not ready myself! ughhh look at that sunburn! (and yes, cikgu kenny has a "superman" thingy hanging on his rear view mirror...

cikgu kenny: eh, i think you took the superman thing lah me: izzit? *looks at camera* oops... sorry jasmine!!

here's the gundu-est story of the millenium!

so we got to the shops, and emma randomly said, "hey, i feel like eating hot cup" and i replied, "you mean that maggi mee cup thing?" emma nodded. Cikgu kenny stopped in front of a convenience store and dropped us off to get our supply of instant noodles in a cup... we bought five, as we were being CONSIDERATE that the guys would be famished after their event.

as we hurriedly purchased our goods and lumbered into the car and slammed the doors shut, cikgu kenny asked a very difficult question..

"hey guys, how are you gonna cook your noodles without any hot water?"

we burst out laughing!

jasmine retaliated saying, "nevermind lah, just ta-pau from the coffee shop la"
"can meh?" the three of us asked in unison. was it really possible? or even PLAUSIBLE that hot water can be indeed "ta-pau"-ed from a coffee shop??

the desperate need put us into a dilemma... should we risk humiliation and ask the nearest kopitiam for hot water?

"ok la ok la, i drop you guys off at the nearest coffeeshop." cikgu kenny obliged.
"phew, at least we aren't going to drown in humiliation alone. we'll have our teacher to drown with us!" i thought and smiled to myself.

once there, cikgu kenny unlocked the doors.. it fell silent as we waited for each other to get out of the car.

"go liaw" urged cikgu kenny.
"you coming also, rite?" i asked, and cocked an eyebrow skeptically at him.
"no la, you guys wanted hot cup ba, so you all have to ask yourself" he grinned.
"but i don't know how to speak chinese!" i fought back.
"yeah me too," emma raised her hand in the air.
we all turned around in the most comical and synchronized manner asked; "jasmine?"

hahaha, so we got our victim and with much pursuasion, jasmine agreed to be our.. ahem.. guinea pig :D lol

i thought i could sneak out of getting down from the car but cikgu kenny firmly uttered "GO LIAW"

there was a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice. or at least i thought. so i opened the car door wide and flung myself out of the car stuttering "okokokokokokokokokokokokok". i hobbled towards emma and jasmine and was instantly greeted by a low and husky "HEY! At least close the door lah!"

i erupted in laughter as i stared back at the car. i'd left the door wide open and cikgu kenny was doubled over reaching for the handle trying to close it. it was positively the funniest thing EVER!

but wait.. the best is yet to come.

once inside, the shopkeeper greeted us warmly. she was a spunky and sociable old woman, with the standard "granny hairdo" and such. she was polite, unlike many shopkeepers that would be annoyed and impatient with a bunch of delinquents asking to TA PAU HOT WATER

jasmine did most of the talking, leaving emma and i in a daze. i definitely have to learn chinese. i don't know what jasmine told the lady, but the drink-maker-people.. ermm.. person gave us ice cubes in those plastic bags where you ta pau laksa soup in.

"ermm.. jasmine?" i said, and pointed at the five frosty plastic bags.

after much "cham siang" or better known as reasoning and explanation, the lady came back with the same five plastic bags which were now filled with warm water. "hot enough?" she asked, in mandrin.

we just nodded.

she stuck five straws in each plastic bag.. that set off a small flurry of giggles which did not manage to escape my lips. jasmine held the five packets, emma held the instant noodles, and i held my tongue as not to offend the shopkeeper. i paid her fifty cents per packet, all the while telling myself "don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh"

i had done a good job, holding back laughter for so long. but when we got to the car, cikgu kenny stared bewilderedly at the five packets and as we opened the car door, he instantly asked;

Wah, got straw one ah?!!!!!!!

that did it. we all ERUPTED in laughter and continued laughing all the way back the the stadium.

once at the stadium, we made our way up to the grand stand to eat our measly lunch and immediately discovered how cooling it was up there. "oh my god, it's so cooling. why didn't we think of coming up here before?!" i thought aloud.

"yalo" was all i got as a reply.

so, being the caring bunch we are, we prepared the noodles using the now lukewarm water we had. so, instead of unhealthy springy maggi noodles, we had.. crispy mee cup.. gundu to the max

and then, it hit me. the lamest joke of the century...

eh, it's not hot cup... it's WARM cup!!

at that point, i was thankful they didn't decide to throw me off the stands. :)

here's the "panoramic" view from the stands.

marcus' mee cup was the softest cause it had soaked up all the water. why didn't we think of leaving the noodles to soak in the water?! ughh.. GUNDU!

i bet you're wondering how my bruise grew... it had started out so small. (refer to post on day one) today was a rough day...