Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I really shouldn't be here

no, it's not that survival thing on tv.

i'm really not supposed to be here.. Online, i mean. paper 3 exams are next week. uh oh. it's the first time ever that we'd be sitting for it. our first paper 3~ :) definitely a story to tell our kids. hahaha.

but i tried to study. i miraculously felt like studying even. but one thing kept me from accomplishing the unaccomplishable.

i forgot to bring home my books. =S


i'm left with my chem notebook, which i forgot to bring to school today. careless? i think so.

recently, i've been hooked onto Paparrazi by Lady Gaga. It's a good song! lol.. catchy too. i'd blast it in my ears everyday when i get home from school. everyday. it's been about a week now. O.o maybe it'll manifest into some kind of medical problem. O.o

I've also begun playing RO. lol, not much to say about that. i'm still a beginner. but mag plays it too!! OMG!!!!! HAHAHA


ughh.. i'm really supposed to be studying.
but i've done add maths, and memorized a bit of bio and chem. WHY AM I SO FORGETFUL?!!

i feel so guilty..

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